速報APP / 健康塑身 / FLÖKA- Wellness Insights

FLÖKA- Wellness Insights



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版本需求:需要 iOS 11.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


FLÖKA- Wellness Insights(圖1)-速報App

When we built flöka, we started off with a simple idea and a few distinct beliefs.

We believe that every-body is unique and that there is no right or wrong way to do health. There is just what works for you.

We believe life is a journey, and your wellness journey is all about learning about you.

We believe you are unique- and that the best way to help you is by saying no thank you to cookie-cutter advice.

We believe in deep listening.

FLÖKA- Wellness Insights(圖2)-速報App

We believe you are more than the sum of your parts- you are everything that you do, and how it connects together.

We believe that data science should be used to empower people.

We believe in you, and that your relationship with yourself is the most important aspect of your health.

We imagined what the world would look like if every woman who wanted it received support, from the background of her life.

Because you are more than just your period, your fitness, how you look, your cognitive performance, your sleep, how you eat, or how you feel- you are everything. In more ways than one.

FLÖKA- Wellness Insights(圖3)-速報App

By the way- we've made the world's first holistic and correlational, individualized wellness experience.

Welcome to our community!


Optimize your lifestyle with the first holistically integrated health app built for women first. Flöka connects all of your wellness together so that you can learn from your own behavior and regimen- revealing insights that are specific and unique to just you. By connecting your Whole Wellness fingerprint, Flöka provides holistic, personalized feedback to put you in the pilot seat of your wellness.

Flöka's philosophy is grounded in positive psychology and empathy for the ebbs​ and flows of every journey.

FLÖKA- Wellness Insights(圖4)-速報App

FLÖKA connects the 360° of your health with six pillars:


Keep track of your cycle, and learn about the different phases. Gain insights into how your cycle influences other pillars & vice versa.


Using Natural Language Processing, Flöka allows you to easily express all of your meals once a day within just one entry via voice. Simply type an entry or speak into your phone for the fastest experience. Flöka will then translate your meals information about your nutrition intake to show you if your intake matches recommended daily values.

FLÖKA- Wellness Insights(圖5)-速報App


Movement matters- how does it change over the course of your cycle? and how should your fitness regimen change with it? Flöka can listen to your step information, or full movement information whether or not you choose to use a wearable in order to help you relate it to the rest of your wellness.


Tracking your sleep cycle automatically from the moment you wake up, to the moment you fall asleep in bed- with or without a wearable. Discover the relationship between your sleep time, bedtime and quality and your energy levels, and other aspects of your wellness. Uncover the optimal bedtime for you.

MIND (Meditation, Cognition & Mood)

FLÖKA- Wellness Insights(圖6)-速報App

-Uncover connections between your memory, focus, and general alertness throughout the day. Note changes as you move along in your journey.

-Become aware of your mood, from positivity to calmness, to sensitivity. Discover the changes in your mood when you get closer to reaching your wellness goals!

-Uncover how your meditation minutes relate to different aspects of your health and performance.


See how your skin changes are related to different habits. Log acne, eczema or any condition and where its happening- or log muscle pain to receive empathetic support.

FLÖKA- Wellness Insights(圖7)-速報App

Have a favourite app or wearable you want to connect to flöka? No problem. Flöka was designed to help you gain the most from what you track, wherever you are tracking it. Flöka uses Healthkit to help you have a seamless experience. Please do connect with us with any feedback or questions at hello@floka.co or via social!

Join the journey and visit us on Instagram @flokalife


FLÖKA- Wellness Insights(圖8)-速報App
